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Cheap Reflex Peptide Fusion - Chocolate Tub 2.1kg Chocolate Tub 2.1
Reflex Peptide Fusion - Chocolate Tub 2.1kg Chocolate Tub ...   GBP 79.99/ 49.6   Go to online store

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The details for Reflex Peptide Fusion - Chocolate Tub 2.1kg Chocolate Tub 2.1

Description...High quality protein blend. Many brands claim to offer a flagship protein blend that is market leading but conceal the most important aspects of the formulation. Peptide Fusion is a protein blend product with unbeaten standards by using the very highest quality ingredients in optimised ratios. It includes the finest preferentially selected whey protein chosen for its superior levels of Branch Chain Amino Acids and higher levels of protein the finest cold processed ultra filtered milk protein providing undenatured micellar casein along with the purest egg white protein available on the market. These are all assayed in the lab with custom manufactured flavourings natural colourings and an absence of salt artificial colouring and indeed anything that represents a compromise to health.33:33:33 Protein BlendPerhaps more importantly we clearly state the ratios of the main 3 superior proteins so that you know exactly how much of each protein source has been used unlike certain brands who use secret 'proprietary blends' that are sometimes nothing more than a low quality and low cost mix of milk egg and cheap soy. You can nearly always tell by looking at the ingredients list. If whey protein appears first then the majority of the protein in the tub will be whey protein because legally ingredients have to be listed in order of relative quantity. That is not necessarily what you want if you are buying a blend for its time release properties. Ideally you would want to see micellar casein first on the ingredient list. Peptide Fusion protein shake contains a blend of 33:33:33 Micellar Casein Egg White Isolate and undenatured whey protein with all protein fractions present and proven by lab assay. The formulation is finished in a base of glutamine peptides and digestive enzymes and Lactospore pro-biotics. Serving Suggestions: Mix 25g (approximately one level 60ml measure) with 250ml water or skimmed milk in a shaker or blender. The above represents our recommended usage instructions you may of course take a larger or smaller serving and mix with more or less liquid as desired. Please be aware that using more or less powder will impact the number or servings per container and adding more or less liquid will impact the taste of the product. The scoop included with the product measures by volume not by weight. Ingredients: Protein Blend (Ultra Filtered Milk Protein Concentrate (80% Micellar Casein 20% Whey Protein) Egg White Protein Isolate Ultra Filtered Whey Protein Concentrate) Peptide Bonded Glutamine (derived from Wheat Protein) Cocoa Powder (chocolate varieties only) Carboxymethyl Cellulose Flavourings Natural Colourings (betanin (strawberry variety only) Beta Carotene (banana and vanilla varieties only)) Artificial Sweeteners (Acesulfame K Sucralose) Digezyme® Enzyme Complex (Amylase Protease Cellulase Lactase Lipase) Lactospore® Probiotics (Bacillus Coagulans) Emulsifier (Soya Lecithin)....
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  Reflex Peptide Fusion - Chocolate Tub 2.1kg Chocolate Tub ...   GBP 49.6   Go to online store


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